Substance Use Disorder

Substance use disorder is a term used to describe a pattern of substance abuse that leads to significant impairment or distress. It is characterized by an inability to control the use of a substance, continued use despite adverse consequences, and the presence of withdrawal symptoms when use is stopped. Substance use disorders can affect people of all ages and walks of life and may result in severe physical and mental health consequences. Substance abuse can lead to various health problems, including liver disease, kidney disease, heart problems, addiction, and even death. It can also lead to social and occupational issues, such as relationship difficulties, financial problems, and job loss.

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How Can Counseling Help you?

There are several different types of substance use disorders, including alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder, and stimulant use disorder. These disorders can range in severity from mild to severe, and they can be treated through a combination of therapy, medication, and support from friends and family. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, it is crucial to seek help as soon as possible to improve the chances of a successful recovery

Our Treatment Process

Schedule Appointment

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Evaluation Session

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Final Test & Review

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The benefits you will get

Enhanced communication

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Have a growth mindset

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Career goals more clearly

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Assesment & Diagnosis

Assessment and diagnosis of mental health issues involve a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. This may include a review of the individual’s medical and psychiatric history, a physical examination, laboratory tests, and an assessment of their current symptoms and behaviors. The goal of mental health assessment and diagnosis is to identify any mental health conditions that may be present and to determine the most appropriate treatment plan.

It is important to note that mental health disorders are not the result of personal weakness or a lack of willpower. They are real medical conditions that can be effectively managed with the right interventions. It is also essential to recognize that mental health disorders can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status. Therefore, seeking help for a mental health concern is a brave and vital step towards improving one’s overall well-being.

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